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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 01/03/07
JANUARY 3, 2007

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed – Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette – Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith – Police Chief
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of December 20, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of December 20, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Selectboard meeting of December 27, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the headwall on Lamb Road was repaired.  Some pothole patching was done.  A culvert on East Street Ext. was replaced last Friday.  Since the Town became a Dig Safe member, they received seventeen notices of work being done within the Town limits.  Yesterday the spring on the Bay 3 door broke so that was replaced.  On Saturday and Monday the department worked on icy roads.  Mrs. Hayes’ contractor worked on the water problem on the Old Claremont Road at her new home; quite a bit of work was done so it should take care of the issue.

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed advised that the new driver will start tomorrow and is going to Bethlehem.  He is meeting tomorrow at 10:00 AM with a gentleman about the mandate that the government is placing on electronics recycling.  The person who will repair the compacter will be here on Sunday, Monday and possibly Tuesday.

Water and Sewer Departments:  David Duquette said during the past few weeks the department employees were taking some time off between the holidays.  He did some work on the Ten Year Plan that is now in the Selectboard packet and is working on proposed new rates.  They took a walk to the three dam sites on Clay Brook and did an inspection; the lowest one is fairly stressed.  He feels they should get somebody to advise how important those dams will be in the future.  Probably some money should be put in the budget for research.  It was agreed that Dave Edkins and Dave Duquette work together and contact the DES to see if they have a list of people qualified to do a hydrology study.  Dave Duquette distributed copies of his 2006 Water Production and Wastewater Reclaimed Reports and briefly reviewed them with the Board.  He requested that the Selectboard schedule a Workshop meeting to work on the Ten Year Plan and proposed new rates.  The Selectboard scheduled this Workshop meeting for Wednesday, January 31st, 2007, at 7:00 PM.

Dave Duquette noted that the muffler fell off his red truck.  The Selectboard approved having it replaced at Morningside Repair Service.

Police Department:  Police Chief Edward Smith reported that the Sheriff agreed to let Charlestown mount the repeater on the County’s tower in Unity; it should cover 85% of the Town.  He is happy with that decision and R & R is ready to do the work.  They were ready to do the switch-over with the SUVs but then John Olson was notified that his new vehicles were back-ordered so the change will not be made for a few months.  The new flooring is done; it took two days but they were able to function around it; it looks good.  Chief Smith will be going to the Part II of the Sullivan County Hazard Mitigation meeting on January 18th.  Dave Edkins reminded everyone that the local Hazard Mitigation Meeting is scheduled on January 18th at 1:00 pm.  Brenda Ferland advised that Commissioner Stevens is pleased with what Sullivan County has been doing.                      

There was no Public Comment.

There was no Selectboard Comment.

Boston Post Cane:  Dave Edkins advised that there is a report in the Selectboard packet from the Heritage Commission containing their recommendations for the Boston Post Cane.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable vouchers were signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Transfer Station – Claremont Lock Center - $600 for a floor safe; and 2) Various Departments - All Wireless $377.37 for cell phone accessories.  Dave Duquette asked that a second AC charger be ordered for him to use at the plant.

Contract:  The Selectboard approved a contract for Paving on Calavant Hill in the amount of $90,697.75.   This money is encumbered from 2006 to be spent in 2007.

Abatement:  A letter was received from a health insurance carrier requesting that the Town grant a 25% discount on an ambulance bill.  The provider would agree not to bill the patient.  Brenda Ferland and Steve Neill responded “no” because the Town bills for the ambulance service in accordance with its approved rate schedule.  

Notice of Intent to Timber Cut:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Notice of Intent to Timber Cut for Margaret Spaulding on the Old Town Farm Road.

Deputy Fire Warden:  The Selectboard approved and signed the appointment documents for Edward P. O’Toole and Shawn W. O’Hearne to be Deputy Fire Wardens as recommended by Fire Warden Ed LeBlanc, Jr.

Power Outages:  A note was received from Mr. Fickett requesting that the Selectboard schedule a special meeting with National Grid regarding several back-to-back power outages in his area.  

An unrelated letter from National Grid was received notifying the Town of reconstruction activity on planned for one of their power lines.  The work will be performed by contractors in accordance with Wetlands Permits and under National Grid supervision; they expect work to be done over the next six months.

Charlestown Building Needs Study Committee:  A memo was received from the Charlestown Building Needs Study Committee.  They feel they have gone about as far as they can at this planning stage and are asking that the Selectboard put $25,000 on the Town Warning so they can continue by hiring an architect to continue with the study.  The deadline for Petition Articles is January 9th, 2007.  Following a discussion it was agreed to have Dave Edkins contact Woody Prouty to see where this dollar amount came from; the Selectboard does approve the concept.  

Liquor License:  A letter was received from the State of NH Liquor Commissioner notifying the Town that Richard and Sara Cahill have made a request for a Liquor License for the Heritage Restaurant at 122 Main Street.  This gives the Selectboard an opportunity to make comments if they choose to do so.

Charlestown Primary School:  The Selectboard received a letter from Paula Stevens, principal, advising that they are trying to make the drop-off and pick-up area safer for the students.  They are requesting limited parking on both sides of East Street Ext. from the junction of Paris Avenue south; this parking ban would be necessary during school hours on school days only.  Police Chief Ed Smith is aware of this issue.  Brenda Ferland confirmed that there is confusion as everyone is all over the area.  Keith Weed felt if the School Department purchases the signs and posts the Highway Department will put them up.  The signs might indicate “No Parking During School Hours – 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM”.  The Selectboard approved this request for traffic control provided the School Department purchases, maintains and replaces the signs.  Police Chief Ed Smith will talk to Ms. Stevens tomorrow.  The Police Department will provide enforcement.                  

Town Meeting Dates:  Dave Edkins distributed copies of a memo with upcoming dates and deadlines for the 2007 the Town Meeting.  All money articles need to be finalized by the January 15th Budget Hearing.

Proposed Warrant and Budget:  The Finance Committee will meet again tomorrow night.  Dave Edkins distributed copies of the proposed Warrant and Budget and advised that the entire proposed budget including Warrant Articles from last year and this year indicates a $404,000+ increase over last year; taking the Warrant Articles out indicates an increase of $349,000+ but it is still over a 10% increase so the Budget needs some work.

Default Budget of the Town:  Dave Edkins distributed copies of the Default Budget of the Town for the Selectboard’s information and reviewed a few changes that were made.  Jon LeClair felt the Default Budget should include the Fire Department utility truck as it was mandated by the insurance company.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill has not been able to attend the Conservation Commission meetings due to his attendance at Finance Committee meetings.

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that CEDA has not met since his last report.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  They approved a boundary adjustment for the Morningside property of Mr. & Mrs. Haynes and worked on three chapters of the Master Plan.

ZBA Meeting:  Dave Edkins advised that there will be a ZBA meeting on Wednesday, January 10th.  Madesa Real Estate LLC submitted an application for a Variance for property located at 237 Springfield Road and an Appeal of an Administrative Decision of the Planning Board.  There is also an application for a Variance from the Jiffy Mart to locate a storage shed approximately 2 feet from the rear property line where a 10 foot setback is required.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said they are trying to get everybody together for a meeting.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission will be meeting again on January 24th.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that there have not been any Ambulance Department meetings since his last report.    


Steve Neill moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel and (c) Reputations.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved.  The time was 8:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill         Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the January 17th, 2007, Selectboard meeting.)